Casino Careers partners with TopResume

Casino Careers partners with TopResume

Casino Careers, the leading niche job board providing talent-acquisition services to employers in the gaming, hospitality, regulatory, technology, and manufacturing sectors, has partnered with TopResume, the largest resume-writing service in the world, to offer all Casino Careers candidates a free review of their resume. TopResume writes and analyzes millions of resumes and LinkedIn profiles.

“We are delighted to partner with an organization that has the same goals: to help others present their expertise in the best light, so as to attain opportunities to advance professionally and care for their families,” said Beth Deighan, president of Casino Careers.

Casino Careers’ talent-acquisition services are utilized by over 1,100 U.S. and international gaming-hospitality and technology/manufacturing companies, tribal enterprises, regulatory agencies, and vendors/suppliers. Thousands of employees, from entry level to executive management, in every discipline, have secured employment through the Casino Careers Job Board and their Executive Search division.

"As a pioneer in the career-services space, we are always striving to expand our network through strategic partnerships with fellow industry innovators," said Todd Goldstein, Executive Vice President, Strategy & Business Development, Talent, Inc., the parent company of TopResume. "We are excited to announce our partnership with Casino Careers, a leading job board for 20 years, especially as their expertise enables us to showcase our offerings to a new sector, the casino-gaming/hospitality industry.”

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